Monday, January 10, 2011

Project52 - Week 1 - Around the House

Hey everyone and happy New Year!

This is my first content related post, and I'm pretty excited, so bear with me. :)

With it being the new year, I wanted to take on a new photography project! There are lots of them out there, but after much research, I've decided to play along with MCP Photography's Project52. Each week you take a photo or photos centered around a theme. There is a new theme every week. I like this idea a little better than a 365 project (daily) because it gives me a little more time to put a bit of thought into what I'm shooting instead of being hurried to take some photos on a day that was too busy to make time. Project52 only requires one picture a week, but I decided to do a little series for this week's topic. That may turn out to be the norm, but we shall see!

I've only had my DSLR for a few months, and I'm still perfecting my skills of shooting in full manual mode. I am not a professional photographer. I have shot some portrait sessions and a couple of weddings, and I've always had a strong love for photography, so I consider myself an advanced amateur! (Sounds nice doesn't it? hehe) I edit in Photoshop CS4 or whatever is the most current at the time. For anyone who is curious, my equipment is as follows:

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSI 
Canon 18-55mm IS 3.5-5.6 lens (kit)
Canon 50mm 1.8 II (nifty fifty!)
Sigma 18-200mm DC OS 3.5-6.3 (zoom!)

For this project I used the nifty fifty. I just love the super smooth bokeh and excellent control over the depth of field that lens gives me. LOVE IT!

Anywho, without further interruption, here are the photos I shot for this week's theme: Around the House.

That last one was just for nerd cred... but you get the idea. :) 
Thank you if you made it this far through the post. It means a lot that I'm able to share my projects with people.

Are you doing project 52? Did you take on a new creative task for 2011? I'd love to see what you've been up to! If so, leave a link in the comments section and I'll check it out! :)

Next week's Project52 theme: Illustrate a Song

See you next time!

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog!

    Can't wait to see a picture to illustrate song!
